Maintenance and maintenance of quality Vibrating fluidized bed dryer
1. Cleaning of quality Vibrating fluidized bed
Regularly open the observation window and the accumulated material discharge port to remove the materials stuck on the quality Vibrating fluidized bed and the materials that have fallen into the box. If the fluidized bed screen is clogged, it should be dealt with. When washing, the equipment should be dried in time to remove water after washing, so as to avoid corrosion of the equipment and affect the next material processing effect.
2. The quality Vibrating fluidized bed vibration motor should be regularly maintained and lubricated.
3. Check the working condition of the quality Vibrating fluidized bed vibration isolation rubber spring. When the vibration isolation spring has aging cracks or the installation height is lower than 105mm, it should be replaced. In addition, when the installation height is low or aging and cracking, all the vibration isolation springs should be replaced together, and the free height error of each group of rubber springs is not more than 3mm. The method of replacing the rubber spring: The rubber spring must be replaced together, and only one method can be used for replacement. During the replacement, the center of gravity of the machine must be kept in balance when lifting and pushing. For example, the lifting amount of the jack remains the same, and the jack is replaced at the minimum torque. The replacement of the rubber spring must be strictly inspected. The free height is the same height group based on H=130mm. Note: When replacing the vibration isolation rubber according to the push-up and hoisting method, the height of the one-side top (pull) of the machine should ensure that the dryer body does not roll over.
4. Replacing the flexible nozzle: When the quality Vibrating fluidized bed flexible nozzle is damaged, it should be replaced to avoid fluctuations in the air supply and affect the material processing effect. When replacing, refer to the installation instructions for the reinstallation method.
The above is the maintenance and maintenance of the quality Vibrating fluidized bed, I hope it will be helpful to you.
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